Sustainability Across Atlanta
Featuring Belter Tech
The Atlanta metro area has made substantial contributions to increase energy and water efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, send less waste to landfills, and create a robust green economy. Sustainability considerations impact every industry including architecture, construction, building materials, finance, investing, energy, transportation, medicine, retail, fashion, food and tech. According to a recent Forbes article, “Sustainability has emerged as a central theme across various industries, transcending boundaries and becoming a key focus for businesses globally. As the world grapples with environmental challenges and social responsibilities, industries are recognizing the need to adopt sustainable practices.”
There are many great Atlanta organizations and companies leading the way. I will highlight these organizations every month in my multi-part series on Sustainability across Atlanta. I have learned many incredible new things that I look forward to sharing with you. My newfound knowledge has taught me that the more we know, the better our choices can become. One of the things that surprised me was that being environmentally conscious is also financially rewarding for companies. As consumers demand sustainable products and opt for brands with eco friendly practices, companies that meet this growing need with innovative solutions can grow revenues and profits in areas that didn’t exist even a few years ago. Increasing demand from consumers will lead to more competition, which is always beneficial in a capitalistic economy in the form of lower prices and better quality.
One such innovative company is Belter Tech, which has been pioneering sustainability initiatives in the construction industry. This Hapeville, GA based company’s mission is to address the environmental impact of global construction, which contributes to nearly 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions and 30% of landfill waste. Founder and CEO Gerry Hughes and his team identified that just the cement and concrete sectors alone were responsible for more than 8% of global carbon emissions. The second major concern they observed was that 130 million tons of waste is sent to landfills in the US every year, of which 80% could have been recycled. Recycled materials such as metal, glass, paper, plastics support the transportation, infrastructure, manufactured goods, electronics, healthcare and consumer goods industries. Guided by its commitment to innovation and sustainability, Belter Tech is redefining the industry by developing high-performing products from post-industrial and post-consumer waste. They have currently diverted more than 921,456 lbs. of waste from entering landfills. Three of the major waste materials they work with are glass, plastics (P1 to P7), and PIR foam. Each of these materials not only add to landfills, they also take hundreds of years to decompose.
Their products, made from up to 100% recycled content, boast superior insulating, fire-resistant, acoustic, and mold-resistant properties. Did you know that 22 pounds of plastic waste goes into each 80 pound bag of Belter Tech’s EPD concrete mix? That’s about two week’s worth of plastic waste in an average American household. Through continuous research and development, Gerry and his team challenge the status quo in the construction industry while benefiting from new opportunities in the public and private sector. By significantly reducing carbon emissions associated with construction materials, Belter Tech is directly helping shape a more sustainable future.
As Forbes summarizes, “sustainability is not an optional choice for businesses anymore, it’s a strategic imperative, shaping the practices and priorities of industries worldwide.” Belter Tech is improving the long term prospects of their products and helping address environmental challenges we all face. As the world’s population continues to grow, the pressing need for sustainable solutions across a wide range of industries is essential.
Check out their website at:
This is a piece of recycled glass that will be used as one of the raw materials that Belter Tech uses to make sustainable concrete.